Office Chair Care: Professional Cleaning vs. New Purchase Guide
17 October 2023

Office Chair Care: Professional Cleaning vs. New Purchase Guide


Main Reasons for Office Chair Soiling:

  1. Daily Usage: The consistent and frequent use of chairs in office environments, particularly in areas with high foot traffic, naturally leads to the accumulation of dust, grime, and wear.
  2. Spills and Stains: Unintentional spills of beverages such as coffee, tea, or soda can create stubborn stains. Food stains, especially from greasy or colored foods, can also leave lasting and visible marks on the chair.
  3. Dirt from Clothing and Shoes: Employees coming in from outdoors can transfer dirt and moisture from their clothing onto chairs. Shoes, when used to adjust chairs or if they accidentally come into contact with the chair’s fabric, can introduce dirt or leave scuff marks.
  4. Environmental Factors: In offices where windows are frequently open or are located in areas with significant dust or pollution, external contaminants can settle on the chairs. In humid climates or settings, there’s also the potential for mildew to form on certain types of chair materials.
  5. Wear and Tear: As chairs age, the constant friction from clothing and the stress from daily use can result in areas of wear, causing the fabric or material to thin out, fray, or discolor.
  6. Inadequate Maintenance: Failing to clean chairs regularly or using inappropriate cleaning products can exacerbate soiling. Over time, this can lead to the accumulation of dirt and even potentially damage the chair’s fabric or other materials.

Understanding these primary sources of soiling can be crucial for determining the best care and maintenance practices for office chairs.

dry cleaning of chairs

Professional Cleaning of the Office Chair:

  • Advantages:
    1. Cost-Effective: Professional cleaning often comes at a fraction of the cost of buying a new chair. This can extend the life of the current chair and provide substantial savings over time.
    2. Preservation of Original Design: Cleaning allows for the retention of the chair’s original design and comfort level, ensuring that users aren’t required to adapt to a different chair’s feel and structure.
    3. Environmentally Friendly: Opting for cleaning instead of disposing of a chair and buying a new one results in less waste, making it a more sustainable choice.
    4. Revitalization: A deep clean can often bring a chair back to a near-new appearance. Stains and dirt are removed, restoring the chair’s original color and luster.
    5. Health Benefits: Regular professional cleaning can remove allergens, dust mites, and bacteria, creating a healthier work environment for employees.
  • Disadvantages:
    1. Temporary Solution: While professional cleaning can refresh a chair, it doesn’t prevent future stains or wear. Over time, and especially with frequent soiling, multiple cleaning sessions may become necessary, adding up in cost and effort.
    2. Potential for Damage: If not handled correctly, professional cleaning can damage the chair’s material, causing it to fade or weaken. There’s also the risk of using cleaning agents that might be too harsh for certain fabrics or materials.
    3. Incomplete Removal: Some deep-seated stains or types of grime might not be completely removable, even with professional cleaning. This might leave the chair looking less than ideal, despite the cleaning efforts.
    4. Downtime: After a thorough cleaning, chairs often need to dry completely before they can be used again. This can mean a temporary unavailability of the chair, which might be inconvenient in busy office settings.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of professional cleaning can guide businesses and individuals in making informed decisions on how to best maintain their office chairs.

dry cleaning of chairs

Purchasing a New Office Chair:

  • Advantages:
    1. Modern Features: Newer chair models often incorporate the latest ergonomic designs, superior materials, and advanced functionalities. This can lead to improved comfort and support, potentially boosting user productivity and well-being.
    2. Aesthetic Renewal: A brand-new chair can refresh and update the appearance of an office space, contributing to a modern and professional ambiance.
    3. Reliability and Warranty: New chairs typically come with manufacturer warranties. This can give peace of mind, ensuring that defects or issues within the warranty period will be addressed.
    4. No Need for Immediate Maintenance: New chairs won’t require any cleaning or maintenance right off the bat, ensuring they are ready for use immediately.
    5. Customization: When buying new, there’s often the opportunity to choose a chair that fits specific needs or preferences, whether in terms of design, color, material, or functionality.
  • Disadvantages:
    1. Higher Initial Cost: Purchasing a new chair, especially a high-quality or specialized one, can be significantly more expensive upfront compared to the cost of cleaning or minor repairs.
    2. Environmental Concerns: Replacing chairs frequently can lead to increased waste. If old chairs aren’t recycled or repurposed, this can have a negative environmental impact.
    3. Adjustment Period: A new chair, despite its potential ergonomic benefits, might require an adjustment period. Users may need time to get accustomed to its feel and features, which could temporarily affect their comfort and productivity.
    4. Selection and Delivery Time: The process of choosing the right chair, placing an order, and waiting for its delivery can be time-consuming. Custom orders or chairs that are in high demand might also come with longer waiting times.
    5. Potential Mismatch: There’s always a risk that the new chair might not be as comfortable as expected, or might not fit seamlessly into the existing office decor.

Weighing these advantages and disadvantages can help in making a well-informed decision about whether to invest in a new office chair or explore other maintenance options.

Criteria Professional Cleaning Buying New
Cost Often cheaper upfront. Higher initial cost.
Duration Requires waiting for cleaning and drying. Instant solution, but may involve delivery wait times.
Environmental Impact Eco-friendly with reduced waste. Potential waste unless old chairs are recycled.
Aesthetics Can revitalize the chair but won’t change the design. New look and modern design.
Reliability Possible risk of damage during cleaning. Comes with manufacturer warranty.
Features & Comfort Preserves existing features and comfort. Potentially upgraded ergonomic design and functionalities.
Lifespan Extension Extends the chair’s life for a variable period. Starts a new lifespan for the chair in use.